
Showing posts from December, 2018


Always learn to say sorry. These were the words from a father to a son that echoed my ear one Monday morning en route to my second home, the office. I am not very sure what the issue was but seeing a young girl crying by his side I, could surmise that he had wronged her. As I entered a taxi on my way to my second home, I mulled over this saying “always learn to say sorry”. I kept thinking about this and started raising some questions. Is the word sorry that powerful to resolve sour relationships, what is the magic in this word? Why is it very difficult for people to use it when they know they are wrong? Do some people even realise it when they are wrong? I paused a little and my mind settled on a character at my second home. For him, the word sorry rather infuriates him. Why would you be wrong in the first place? , he will always ask. Well,trying to add these up, I dived into the water to unearth the magic in this word, apology. Many relationships have gone sour because