

You went to work one morning, your boss yelled at you and it was not the first time. You could not take it anymore. You could not take the emotional torture anymore. You looked straight at his face and told him “I quit”, probably accompanied by an altercation. Many employees are pondering on whether to quit their jobs or not. The reason might not necessarily be about bad bosses, but be it as it may; there is an emotional call to quit. I have taken such a decision before and if you ask me today if I would take that decision, my answer will be in the negative. I have seen employees quit their jobs and making a swift turnaround. The decision to quit or not must be carefully thought through. Because if you quit or not certain variables will still be constant in your life. You will have rent to pay, bills to pay, family remittances to make, skills to develop, etc. How will you take care of all these, if you quit? Nobody would like to go back to the days when we depended


What the hell is wrong with interviewers? People just want jobs and we have hiring managers out here acting like supervillains. Recent comments on a post of mine- "I remember reading about a sales manager who would put an empty soda can on the sidewalk before the candidate arrived & if the candidate walked past the can w/o picking it up they were out. Smart" CALM DOWN THANOS I JUST WANT TO PAY MY RENT Companies have jobs. People want jobs. Let's not make it more complicated than it is, ok Jigsaw? We don't need to saw our arm off to make it to the 3rd round group interview and 6-hour personality assessment.


When the issue of Menzgold broke out a spotlight was placed on the word scam. People who had invested in the scheme rued the day they invested in it. For those who did not fall into this trap, I am not sure it was because of their due diligence. Who wouldn’t invest in a scheme that gives a return of 10% every month while doing nothing? The mere mention of this scheme raises emotions and I wouldn’t like to incur the wrath of victims since it is sensitive. Recently, I spoke with an old friend who is at the law school. He told me how he had to endure another four years of studies just to achieve his dream. In the course of our conversation he said this “if only I knew I could have a law degree right after SHS, I wouldn’t have gone through all this “. I had my head spinning for a while because I found myself in the “if only I knew” trap. He had to spend another four years after his undergraduate degree to get a law degree. All those years and the resources that goes with it, wh


Always learn to say sorry. These were the words from a father to a son that echoed my ear one Monday morning en route to my second home, the office. I am not very sure what the issue was but seeing a young girl crying by his side I, could surmise that he had wronged her. As I entered a taxi on my way to my second home, I mulled over this saying “always learn to say sorry”. I kept thinking about this and started raising some questions. Is the word sorry that powerful to resolve sour relationships, what is the magic in this word? Why is it very difficult for people to use it when they know they are wrong? Do some people even realise it when they are wrong? I paused a little and my mind settled on a character at my second home. For him, the word sorry rather infuriates him. Why would you be wrong in the first place? , he will always ask. Well,trying to add these up, I dived into the water to unearth the magic in this word, apology. Many relationships have gone sour because


INSPIRED BY THE GAME I guess my love for basketball did not happen by accident. I did not understand it either as I had been a Barcelona fan since I gained football wit. Normally when basketball is mentioned we all think of well build masculine men. Think of LeBron James (2.03 m tall), Kevin Durant (2.07 m tall). These guys are huge and could break your spine if you tried to block their dunk. In football we have always had people with disability excelling but who ever thought a boy with no arms could play basketball. That will be out of one’s wildest imagination. To dunk you need a hand, to shoot you need a hand, to block you need a hand, to pass you need a hand. Jamarion Style had a bacteria infection at his childhood and lost both arms but he insisted that would not be a hindrance to his dream. He did not accept any advice to play soccer. He only wanted to play basketball with or without arms. But which manager would add an armless boy to his team? That would be r


YOU ARE A BRAND- ME INC. In this new world of work, succeeding as a person has much to do with you. To be able to stand out and prosper has everything to do with you. Regardless of your age, position, business, one needs to understand that we are CEOs of our own selves. I am Me. Incorporated and you are You Incorporated. You are a free agent in an economy of free agents. Think about the well known brands. I mean the ones you can mention “without thinking”. Ranging from shirts, watches, shoes electronics and what have you, one can mention as many as his lips can say. Oh! , I almost forgot the cars. ·          How did these brands become so famous that people want to relate with them? It is time for you and I to take a lesson from these brands and create our micro equivalence. The good news -- and it is largely good news -- is that everyone has a chance to stand out. Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills. Everyone has a chance to be a brand