When the issue of Menzgold broke out a spotlight was placed on the word scam. People who had invested in the scheme rued the day they invested in it. For those who did not fall into this trap, I am not sure it was because of their due diligence. Who wouldn’t invest in a scheme that gives a return of 10% every month while doing nothing? The mere mention of this scheme raises emotions and I wouldn’t like to incur the wrath of victims since it is sensitive.

Recently, I spoke with an old friend who is at the law school. He told me how he had to endure another four years of studies just to achieve his dream. In the course of our conversation he said this “if only I knew I could have a law degree right after SHS, I wouldn’t have gone through all this “. I had my head spinning for a while because I found myself in the “if only I knew” trap.

He had to spend another four years after his undergraduate degree to get a law degree. All those years and the resources that goes with it, who benefits? and at whose expense ? just imagine the long journey you have to endure in your academic ladder. From the genesis of your education till you get a first degree, you might have spent about twenty years satisfying the system. After this they will tell you that you are just getting started. They tell you that to be a C-Suite, you will need this and that certificate. We have all become myrmidons, to the extent that even those who seem smart to dodge this scheme eventually force themselves unto it.

Let me give you an example, at school, I learnt a lot of subjects from science to mathematics, you name it. I learnt subjects like photosynthesis, osmosis, diffusion etc. I remember at one time, our science teacher asked us to bring a live frog for experiment. I set off to a frog hunt and caught one without panic. I don’t remember any of my teachers telling me that whenever I attended a job interview, I wouldn’t be asked about photosynthesis nor the digestive system of a frog.
Perhaps I am not into this alone. The teachers who instructed me to this level were the first to fall victim. Few years ago I met one of my primary school teachers who told me he was seeking a job in the mining sector. It was bizarre because he was near retirement.  The system told him it would confine him for few years, give him food, accommodation and allowance and guarantee him a lifetime job. Maybe he later realized that was not the life he wanted and wanted out.
Most people go to school with the hope of becoming financially successful and living a happy life. Isn’t that what you have been told? But what do we see? How many people do you know who have degrees yet are struggling financially?

You come out of school to meet the non-existing jobs. While waiting for the right job, your student’s loan debt is piling up. You still live under your parent’s umbrella and they tell you in order to break through the job market work for free. I can’t agree more with the joker in the movie ‘The Dark Knight” that “if you are good at something, you don’t do it for free”
After eventually getting your first job, you start to pay off your debt and put things in shape for the next stage of your life. It will not be long before you realize that the financial freedom that was promised is very far from you. All the people you desired to help financially are not getting that help because you are struggling to help yourself. You begin to move from one job to another in a bid for financial freedom. Before you realize that all of these is a scam, so many years have passed.
Who is failing us? The system? Our parents? Our teachers? or Ourselves?

It is time for self-awareness. A time to be ourselves and be happy. A time to live the lives the system has denied us for years. A time to focus on the skills that gives financial freedom. Identify these skills and go for them and you will know that the system is a bigger scammer.
Before you make mockery of Menzgold victims , know that you have been scammed for many years and it’s still ongoing. Can I conclude that “Double “ is even smarter ?


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