You went to work one morning, your boss yelled at you and it was not the first time. You could not take it anymore. You could not take the emotional torture anymore. You looked straight at his face and told him “I quit”, probably accompanied by an altercation.

Many employees are pondering on whether to quit their jobs or not. The reason might not necessarily be about bad bosses, but be it as it may; there is an emotional call to quit. I have taken such a decision before and if you ask me today if I would take that decision, my answer will be in the negative. I have seen employees quit their jobs and making a swift turnaround.

The decision to quit or not must be carefully thought through. Because if you quit or not certain variables will still be constant in your life. You will have rent to pay, bills to pay, family remittances to make, skills to develop, etc. How will you take care of all these, if you quit? Nobody would like to go back to the days when we depended on relatives and friends to survive.

But must you remain in that job even when it is killing you? Certainly not. But you must also not quit if you don’t have a plan B. Before you quit, ask yourself very deep and profound questions and find good answers to them. Ask questions like:
  • Am I working hard enough?
  • Am I being victimized?

  • Can I work it out with my boss?
  • Do I resonate with the culture of the organization?
  • What is that one thing that makes my boss upset? Can I work it out?
  • If I stay for one more year will things improve?
  • Do I have what it takes to get promoted?
  • Do I have what it takes to get a new job in a different company?
  • Can I start my own business? Can I earn twice my current salary?
  • If I quit now will my life be better?

You need to find good answers to these questions and come to the level of self-awareness before you let your emotions break loose.

The decision you make will obviously be influenced by two factors, EMOTION, and LOGIC. Decisions based on emotions often result in regrets. When you come back to yourself, you will realize the decision came too early. You will become desperate trying to correct your mistake and this might lead to more wrong decisions. Employers might take advantage of you because you may have to compromise to secure a new job. The situation is the same if you want to start your own business. Startups require a lot of time, energy and resources and in most cases, it might take you some years before you start making some profit. Entrepreneurs ought to make critical and well-planned decisions, but out of desperation, you might make the wrong decisions.

Take your time and make a logical conclusion. Know exactly what you want and go for it. Be prepared for the uncertainties ahead of you. You may not be successful with your next move, but it may still be a good move if you are able to make a good measure of your current and future situation.

The choice is yours, to either stay and suffer or stay be patient and succeeds or quit and suffer or quit right and succeed.

By: Edward Cobbinah


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